Ministry of Water (Tanzania mainland)

The purpose and aim of the MoU is to set a framework in order to allow for the exchange of scientific and technological knowledge and personnel on the basis of mutual benefit with the objective to develop, advocate and promote sustainable management and development of water resources on the country in a holistic and integrated manner. The following are the key areas of collaboration:

  1. Sharing of data, information and experiences on sustainable water resources management
  2. Research in water resources management and development
  3. Mutual engagement in local and international events and visits
  4. Capacity and technical development Resource mobilization
  5. Building and developing human and technical capacity in the water sector
  6. Developing and building knowledge and research capacity in the water sector

Ministry of Water, Energy and Minerals (Zanzibar)

The purpose and aim of the MoU is to establish a collaborative platform between Ministry of Water, Energy and Minerals in and Global Water Partnership Tanzania in supporting the water sector in Zanzibar with the view to achieving the visionary development targets by developing requisite capacity and building resilience in a holistic and integrated manner. The following are the key areas of collaborations:
  1. Programme development and implemenetation in the water sector
  2. Sharing information, data and experience on the water security and climate resilience.
  3. Building and developing human and technical capacity in the water sector
  4. Developing and building knowledge and research capacity in the water sector
  5. Mutual engagement in national, regional and international events and visits
  6. Resource mobilization.

Regional Centre for Mapping and Resource Development (RCMRD)

The areas of cooperation include any activity or program of interest to either party, which is deemed desirable and feasible for the development and strengthening of cooperative relationship between the parties. Areas of collaboration include: 
  1. Collaboration in research and development
  2. Staff exchange programs
  3. Data acquisition, processing and sharing.
  4. Capacity development in Geospatial technologies and any other field of interest to the parties
  5. Joint proposal writing in areas of mutual interest.
  6. Joint organizations and conducting of educational, scientific, community outreach and empowerment programs.
  7. Depending on availability of resources, a party may consider extending discount and concession if the other party is in need of services, products and facilities that incur costs.
  8. Parties may seek advisory services from each other in areas where the other party has more experties

Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association (BORDA)

The areas of cooperation include any activity or program of interest to either party, which is deemed desirable and feasible for the development and strengthening of cooperative relationship between the parties. Areas of collaboration include: 
  1. Collaboration in research and development
  2. Staff exchange programs
  3. Data acquisition, processing and sharing.
  4. Capacity development in Geospatial technologies and any other field of interest to the parties
  5. Joint proposal writing in areas of mutual interest.
  6. Joint organizations and conducting of educational, scientific, community outreach and empowerment programs.
  7. Depending on availability of resources, a party may consider extending discount and concession if the other party is in need of services, products and facilities that incur costs.
  8. Parties may seek advisory services from each other in areas where the other party has more experties

Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory (TAMHO) - Nairobi

The areas of cooperation include any activity or program of interest to either party, which is deemed desirable and feasible for the development and strengthening of cooperative relationship between the parties. Areas of collaboration include:
  1. Collaboration in research and development activities
  2. Staff exchange programs
  3. Data acquisition, processing and sharing.
  4. Capacity development in any field of interest to the parties
  5. Joint proposal writing in areas of mutual interest.
  6. Joint organizations and conducting of educational scientific, community outreach and empowerment programs.

WaterNet Trust (Zimbabwe)

The MoU was founded on the need to support IWRM in the southern and eastern Africa region through capacity development, policy development, research and training. The main areas of collaboration include:
  1. Technical support related to water resources management.
  2. Short professional courses training in IWRM and allied fields
  3. Policy oriented research in IWRM and allied fields
  4. Promote each partner activities, products, and services.
  5. Depending on availability of resources, party may consider extending discount and concession if the other party is in need of services, products and facilities that incur costs.
  6. Parties may seek advisory services from each other in areas where the other party has more expertise

University of Dar es Salaam

The MoU recognises areas of mutual interest in research development, education, training, transfer of technology and dissemination of knowledge on long-term and non-commercial basin. The areas of cooperation including:
  1. Collaboration in research and development
  2. Staff exchange programs
  3. Data acquisition, processing and sharing.
  4. Capacity development in Geospatial technologies and any other field of interest to the parties
  5. Joint proposal writing in areas of mutual interest.
  6. Joint organizations and conducting of educational, scientific, community outreach and empowerment programs.
  7. Depending on availability of resources, a party may consider extending discount and concession if the other party is in need of services, products and facilities that incur costs.
  8. Parties may seek advisory services from each other in areas where the other party has more experties

University of Texas (USA)

Global Water Partnership Tanzania and University of Texas (CERM) agreed to engage in collaboration endeavours in water resources management research, education, and outreach as well as anyother field of mutual interest. Main areas of collaboration include:
  1. Collaboration in research and development
  2. Staff exchange programs
  3. Data acquisition, processing and sharing.
  4. Capacity development in Geospatial technologies and any other field of interest to the parties
  5. Joint proposal writing in areas of mutual interest.
  6. Joint organizations and conducting of educational, scientific, community outreach and empowerment programs.
  7. Depending on availability of resources, a party may consider extending discount and concession if the other party is in need of services, products and facilities that incur costs.
  8. Parties may seek advisory services from each other in areas where the other party has more experties

University of Leeds (United Kingdom)

The MoU is based on the desire to foster strong collaboration between parties with the view to enhance common interest in research, capacity development, technological development, training and staff exchange. The main areas of collaboration include:
  1. Engaging best efforts in joint resources mobilization to secure funding for joint projects through development of proposals
  2. Convening joint outreach and partnership events at appropriate settings.
  3. Jointly undertaking capacity development activities in the water sector and allied fields
  4. Jointly undertaking research activities in the water sector and allied field
  5. Jointly undertaking publication of scholarly articles in the water sector and allied field
  6. The promotion of sustainable water resources management and agriculture practices especially smart agriculture
  7. The role of big data in supporting water resources management and agricultural development
  8. Any other areas of cooperation to be mutually agreed upon by the parties
  9. The inclusion of communities in such research and development activities in a manner that ensure and promotes sustainable and inclusive economic development and access to relevant information on water resources management, agriculture development and environmental sustainability.

University of KwaZulu Natal (South Africa)

The MoU is founded on the desire to establish a collaborative platform to enhance common interest in research, technology development, technology application and technology transfer, training and the future development of water and other related sectors. The main areas of collaboration include:
  1. Sharing of knowledge, data and information related to research and development projects in various field of mutual interest
  2. Technology and capacity development, including joint supervision of post graduate students, and knowledge transfer that enhance the relationship between the parties’ research and development.
  3. The development and promotion of water-agriculture-environment related products and applications
  4. The inclusion of communities in such research and development activities in a manner that ensure and promotes sustainable and inclusive economic development and access to relevant information on water resources management, agriculture development and environmental sustainability.
  5. Technology development and transfer practices that enhance the relationship between research and industry.
  6. The promotion of sustainable water resources management and agriculture practices especially smart agriculture

NTWAM Water and Environment Initiative

The areas of cooperation include activities or programs of interest to either Party, which are desirable and feasible for the development and strengthening of cooperative relationships between the Parties. The main areas of interest include:
  1. Collaboration in research and development activities
  2. Staff exchange programs
  3. Data acquisition, processing and sharing.
  4. Capacity development in any field of interest to the parties
  5. Joint proposal writing in areas of mutual interest.
  6. Joint organization and conducting of educational, scientific, community outreach and empowerment programs.
  7. Depending on availability of resources, a party may consider extending discounts and concessions if the other party is in need of services, products and facilities that incur costs.

Kibweni Youth Organization (Zanzibar)

The areas of collaboration include any activity or program of interest to either party that is deemed desirable and feasible for the development and strengthening of cooperative relationship between the parties. Main areas of collaboration include: 
  1. Collaboration in research and development activities
  2. Staff exchange programs
  3. Data acquisition, processing and sharing.
  4. Capacity development in any field of interest to the parties
  5. Joint proposal writing in areas of mutual interest.
  6. Joint organizations and conducting of educational, scientific, community outreach and empowerments programs.
  7. Parties may seek advisory services from each other in areas where the other party has more expertise