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2024 Zanzibar Water Conference (ZAWAC)

The Zanzibar Water Conference is a flagship event for the Ministry of Water, Energy and Minerals (MoWEM) and is convened in collaboration with Global Water Partnership Tanzania, SADC Groundwater Monitoring Institute, University of Dar es Salaam and IHE-Delft where the Triple Helix Concept on knowledge sharing, learning and interaction between three main actors in the water sector is fully realised.

September 2024



The Zanzibar Water Conference is a flagship event for the Ministry of Water, Energy and Minerals (MoWEM) and is convened in collaboration with Global Water Partnership Tanzania, SADC Groundwater Monitoring Institute, University of Dar es Salaam and IHE-Delft where the Triple Helix Concept on knowledge sharing, learning and interaction between three main actors in the water sector is fully realised. The three main actors are (i) Policy makers (ii) Researchers and (iii) Practitioners. During the conference, practitioners, policy makers, researchers and academicians from across the world will gather to share ideas, network, collaborate, learn and inspire each other. Cognizant is made to the fact that the global theme for 2022 World Water Day, as declared by UN Water, is “Groundwater – making the invisible visible”. There is a convergence between the Zanzibar Conference and UN Water global themes and especially considering the fact that Zanzibar relies on groundwater for water supplies.

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